What is the Divine Feminine? ✨
The Importance of the Divine Feminine
We live in a world of opposites and dualities. Like the ideas of light and dark, Yin and Yang and negative and positive. This polarity also exists in our being. Each and every one of us has masculine and feminine energy. Our masculine energy is about utilizing logic, assertion and our willingness to take action in life to get the things we desire. While our feminine energy is about being, going with the flow and receiving what we desire. The Divine Feminine energy is about tapping into our ability to be creative, getting in touch with our psychic abilities, embracing our sexuality/sensuality and embracing our emotions instead of pretending like they don’t exist. Masculine energy is about doing and Feminine energy is about being. We need both energies in order to be a balanced human being.
However, in our masculine oriented society, we aren’t taught to embrace our femininity. As a matter of fact, we are taught that our feminine qualities like emotion and intuition are weak and something that isn’t valid. As women, we have been conditioned into not loving our bodies and to not see our beauty as enough by the means of brands, social media and television which stops us from being in tune with our sexuality. And yet, we wonder why our lives often seem to lack fulfillment, joy, happiness. A lot of us get stuck in a constant mode of work because we are taught to hustle but we lack the basic teaching of the art of receiving. Feminine sexuality and sexuality in general is one of the most sacred parts of creation itself. When a woman loves herself, her beauty, her body and her soul she is unstoppable. Nothing stands in her way from getting what she wants in life.